Thinking about these figures that are created and disappear fleetingly in an endless process that is repeated over and over ...
I feel that I am involved with these figures, that I am part of them and they are part of me.... it's a relationship of how these images make me feel... it's a unique and bilateral relationship ... it's how they impact me ... we create one thing...
It is a connection with Mother Earth (the PachaMama...) the relationship of the outer world with my inner world, the physical with the spiritual.
I understand these figures from a quantum physics point of view that proposes that the observer, the event and the measurements are intertwined...
For me they are like encrypted messages, their symbolism impels me to analyze and understand their meaning, their function... they are like mysteries that challenge our knowledge, and they open our imagination to try to find answers...
These geological signs are of the type of Agrograms, Halograms, Geoglyphs, which exist in many places in the world such as the as the Nazca lines of Peru, Tlapanaloya of Mexico, Barbury Hill of England, Kazakhstan, etc...
Studying these symbols and trying to discover their origins is comparable to an incessant search to know what and who we are.