Tres Vidas
July 7, 2017
From texture to drawing
I arrived at Tres Vidas two years ago and did not waste my first weekend.
Got down to the beach before sunrise. Acapulco is famous for its sunsets, but for me the fluorescence of the sunrises, from vermilion to violet, is even more beautiful. It is a race against the sun, if I arrive after his departure, the party of colors will have diminished. I do not want to be late for the concert and I'm taking off my shoes at the same time I'm heading towards the sea. I stop before the wet sand and the water line left by the waves. I do not have to see the edge with my eyes, my feet distinguish it its touch like a fresh mint drink between my fingers. Seconds later, I smile not seeing the sun, bragging that I arrived first. And the calm returns. With it my ability to see the scenery that surrounds the sky. My ears before my eyes enjoy the sea. The sea is deep because of its infinite music and movement. I am alone, nobody accompanies me and I return less slowly. The magnitude of the scope of what surrounds me makes me feel small and I lower my head.
Now the sand captivates my attention. I do not remember seeing before variations in the lines left by the waves, the repeating patterns that are as exact and at the same time so diverse. Patterns that go from brown to ochre form a texture that penetrates the water and extends on both flanks without interruption. I approach to feel its texture with my hands but it does not exist. The surface is almost as flat as glass. The film of water is absorbed, disappears and the only texture I can touch is that of fine sand grains. I start to get confused and wonder how this is possible. I cannot find an explanation. Half of my hypotheses are false and the other half I abandon, distracted by seeing how similar patterns are repeated with the coming and going of the waves. The variations between each parabola are subtle but the quality of the resulting composition is bold and fun. Now I do not see a texture and I begin to value the drawing. I am facing the fabric of a hammock that advances from less to more and returns to less without an order or direction.
Register these images from that day. They have accompanied me on every visit to the beach, but only on this beach. Today I know it is a treasure not unique, but very special baptized Diamond Codes. Thank you Ricardo for your artistic and scientific interest in the subject. It is worth putting it into the universe so that it can be enjoyed by many.
Gerardo Fuentes
Ex-Director of Tres Vidas Acapulco (2016-2017)